张会图,男,2277.com太阳能集团,教授,博士生导师,北京协和医学院博士,美国得克萨斯州农机大学(Texas A&M University)化学系博士后,中国医药生物技术学会理事,天津市“三年千人”第三层次人才。
[1] 微生物药物的筛选、分离、鉴定,以及微生物药物(抗生素)的生物合成、代谢调控及组合生物合成研究等
[2] 工业微生物的菌种改良以及工业酶制剂的开发和产业化应用
[1] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):非西罗霉素及阿嗪霉素中氮丙啶官能团生物合成机制的研究,2021-2024,主持人。
[3] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):非昔罗霉素的生物合成及组合生物合成研究,2013-2017,主持人。
[4] 国家重点研发计划(子课题):皮革和洗涤酶制剂智造及其绿色应用工艺,2021-2023,主持人。
[5] 转基因生物新品种培育国家重大专项(子课题):益生元件生物合成与调控研究,2019-2020,主持人。
[6] 国家863计划(子课题):工程菌小试发酵及后加工工艺研究,2012-2017,主持人。
[7] 天津市科技计划项目:采用反转录PCR的方式进行安莎类抗生素的筛选,2012-2015,主持人。
[8] 企业横向合作项目:2709碱性蛋白酶高产菌株的构建及发酵工艺研究,2020-2021,主持人。
[9] 企业横向合作项目:新霉素、金霉素高产菌株的选育及发酵工艺研究,2018-2020,主持人。
[10] 企业横向合作项目:红霉素高产菌株的选育及发酵条件优化,2019-2021,主持人。
[11] 企业横向合作项目:恩拉霉素高产菌株的选育及产业化研究,2012-2015,主持人。
[1] Yue R, Li M, Wang Y, Guan Y, Zhang J, Yan Z, Liu F, Lu F, Zhang Huitu*. Insight into enzyme-catalyzed aziridine formation mechanism in ficellomycin biosynthesis. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2020 Jul 19; 204: 112639.
[2] Yuan F, Li K, Zhou C, Zhou H, Liu H, Chai H, Lu F*, Zhang Huitu*. Identification of two novel highly inducible promoters from Bacillus licheniformis by screening transcriptomic data. Genomics. 2020 Mar; 112(2):1866-1871.
[3] Zhou C, Zhou H, Fang H, Ji Y, Wang H, Liu F, Zhang Huitu*, Lu F*. Spo0A can efficiently enhance the expression of the alkaline protease gene aprE in Bacillus licheniformis by specifically binding to its regulatory region. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020; 159:444-454.
[4] Zhang Huitu, Sang J, Zhang Y, Sun T, Liu H, Yue R, Zhang J, Wang H, Dai Y, Lu F*, Liu F*. Rational design of a Yarrowia lipolytica derived lipase for improved thermostability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019; 137: 1190-1198.
[5] Zhou C, Liu H, Yuan F, Chai H, Wang H, Liu F, Li Y, Zhang Huitu*, Lu F*. Development and application of a CRISPR/Cas9 system for Bacillus licheniformis genome editing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019 Feb; 122:329-337.
[6] Zhang J, He Z, Xu J, Song S, Zhu Q, Wu G, Guan Y, Wu X, Yue R, Wang Y, Yu T, Hu S, Lu F, Zhang Huitu*. Semi-rational mutagenesis of an industrial Streptomyces fungicidicus strain for improved enduracidin productivity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020 Apr; 104(8):3459-3471.
[7] He X, Li M, Song S, Wu X, Zhang J, Wu G, Yue R, Cui H, Song S, Ma C, Lu F, Zhang Huitu*. Ficellomycin: an aziridine alkaloid antibiotic with potential therapeutic capacity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018 May; 102(10): 4345-4354.
[8] Liu Y, Li M, Mu H, Song S, Zhang Y, Chen K, He X, Wang H, Dai Y, Lu F, Yan Z, Zhang Huitu*. Identification and characterization of the ficellomycin biosynthesis gene cluster from Streptomyces ficellus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017 Oct; 101(20): 7589-7602.
[9] Zhou C, Zhou H, Li D, Zhang Huitu*, Wang H, Lu F*. Optimized expression and enhanced production of alkaline protease by genetically modified Bacillus licheniformis 2709. Microbial Cell Factories. 2020 Feb; 19(1):45.
[10] Zhou C, Zhou H, Zhang Huitu*, Lu F*. Optimization of alkaline protease production by rational deletion of sporulation related genes in Bacillus licheniformis. Microbial Cell Factories. 2019 Jul; 18(1):127.
[11] Zhang Huitu, Tian Y, Wang J, Li Y, Wang H, Mao S, Liu X, Bie S, Lu F﹡. Construction of engineered Arthrobacter simplex with improved performance for cortisone acetate biotransformation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013; 97(21): 9503-9514.
[12] Zhang Huitu, Sang J, Li L, Jiang L, Lu F, He S, Cui W, Zhang X, Liu F*. Molecular basis for the inhibitory effects of 5-hydroxycyclopenicillone on the conformational transition of Aβ40 monomer. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2020 Jul 29: 1-12.
[13] Zhang Huitu, Liu H, Zhang Y, Sun T, Wu G, Zhou C, Wu X, Zhang J, Yue R, Wang H, Dai Y, Liu F*, Lu F*. Engineered variants of a lipase from Yarrowia lipolytica with improved trypsin resistance for enzyme replacement therapy. Protein Engineering Design and Selection. 2019 Dec; 32(8):375-383.
[14] Chen K, Mo Q, Liu H, Yuan F, Chai H, Lu F*, Zhang Huitu*. Identification and characterization of a novel cold-tolerant extracellular protease from Planococcus sp. CGMCC 8088. Extremophiles. 2018 May; 22(3):473-484.
[15] Huitu Zhang, Huiyan Mu, Qingshan Mo, Tongwei Sun, Yang Liu, Mingyu Xu, Haikuan Wang, Yujie Dai, Fuping Lu*. Gene cloning, expression and characterization of a novel cold-adapted protease from Planococcus sp. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2016; 130: 1-8.
[16] Mori S1, Simkhada D1, Zhang Huitu1, Erb MS, Zhang Y, Williams H, Fedoseyenko D, Russell WK, Kim D, Fleer N, Ealick SE, Watanabe CM*. Polyketide ring expansion mediated by a thioesterase, chain elongation and cyclization domain, in azinomycin biosynthesis: characterization of AziB and AziG. Biochemistry. 2016; 55(4): 704-714.
[17] Lu H, Zhang Huitu*, Shi P, Luo H, Wang Y, Yang P, Yao B*. A family 5 β-mannanase from the thermophilic fungus Thielavia arenaria XZ7 with typical thermophilic enzyme features. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013 Sep; 97(18): 8121-8128.
[18] Simkhada D, Zhang Huitu, Mori S, Williams H, Watanabe CM*. Activation of cryptic metabolite production through gene disruption: Dimethyl furan-2,4-dicarboxylate produced by Streptomyces sahachiroi. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2013 Aug; 9:1768-1773.
[19] Junqi Zhao, Pengjun Shi, Yingguo Bai, Huoqing Huang, Huiying Luo, Huitu Zhang*, Donghao Xu, Yaru Wang, Bin Yao*. A thermophilic cellulase complex from Phialophora sp. G5 showing high capacity in cellulose hydrolysis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2012; 166 (4): 952-960.
[20] Huitu Zhang, linzhuan Wu, Liu Aiming, Sun Guizhi, Han Feng, Xia Huanzhang, Gao Qunjie, Yonggang Wang, Yiguang Wang*. PCR screening of 3-amino- 5-hydroxybenzoic acid synthase gene leads to identification of ansamycins and AHBA related antibiotic producers in Actinomycetes. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2009; 106(3): 755-763.
[21] Foulke-Abel J, Agbo H, Huitu Zhang, Mori S, Watanabe CM*. Mode of action and biosynthesis of the azabicycle-containing natural products azinomycin and ficellomycin. Natural Product Reports. 2011; 28(4): 693-704.
[1] 张会图,路福平,张莹,一种胰蛋白酶抗性改良的脂肪酶突变体及其基因和应用,CN201710441642.9
[2] 张会图,王应东,路福平,刘东田,魏建军. 一种恩拉霉素高产菌株的构建方法. CN2015100329738
[3] 路福平,张会图,冯士元. 一种具备转酯功能和耐酸抗蛋白酶特性的猪胰腺羧肽酶A1. CN201510059312
[4] 路福平,田曜,张会图,王克鼎. 一种适用于芽孢杆菌属同源重组的质粒及工程菌株. ZL201310262705.6
传 真:022-60602298;Email: hzhang@tust.edu.cn